- crash barrier
- аэродромная аварийная тормозная установка
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
crash barrier — crash barriers N COUNT A crash barrier is a strong low fence built along the side of a road or between the two halves of a motorway in order to prevent accidents. [BRIT] (in AM, use guardrail) … English dictionary
crash barrier — crash .barrier n BrE a strong fence or wall built to keep cars apart or to keep them away from people, in order to prevent an accident … Dictionary of contemporary English
crash barrier — noun a strong protective barrier that is erected around a racetrack or in the middle of a dual lane highway in order to reduce the likelihood of severe accidents • Hypernyms: ↑barrier * * * crash barrier noun A protective barrier, usu of steel,… … Useful english dictionary
Crash barrier — A crash barrier is a barrier on a road designed to prevent vehicles from leaving the roadway to improve road safety. Common sites for crash barriers are: * median separators on multi lane highways * bridge supports * mountain roadsThe design of… … Wikipedia
crash barrier — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms crash barrier : singular crash barrier plural crash barriers British a low metal fence at the side of a road or along the middle of a motorway … English dictionary
crash barrier — noun A barrier on the side of a road, to keep vehicles on the road … Wiktionary
crash barrier — guard rail, rail along a road which protects a car in an accident … English contemporary dictionary
crash barrier — noun Brit. a strong fence at the side of a road or in the middle of a dual carriageway or motorway … English new terms dictionary
crash barrier — noun (C) BrE a strong fence or wall built to keep cars apart or to keep them away from people, in order to prevent an accident … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ˈcrash ˌbarrier — noun [C] British a low metal fence at the side of a road or along the middle of a motorway … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
crash barrier — /ˈkræʃ bæriə/ (say krash bareeuh) noun a strong protective fence erected by the sides of motor racing tracks and dangerous sections of roads; guardrail …